Blue and Gold RSVP/Tickets
Blue and Gold this year will be on April 6th at 4pm. The location is Yawgoog Scout Reservation at the Three Point Dining Hall. See the email for details. It is going to be catered. This is the end of the year banquet for all scouts. They will receive their final advancements and move to the next level of scouting. This year the banquet is a little earlier than previous years so there will be a couple of meetings after the banquet. Check with your den leaders for direction on this. This event is also the crossover for 2nd year Webelos. They will be earning their Arrow of Light and crossing over into Boy Scouts. We welcome family members and friends to join their scout in this celebration.
This is a 2 part RSVP:
First RSVP below by filling out the form. This is for headcount. Put a total number of people in your party and then answer the questions.
Second click the payment button. Click the payment button once you have completed and submitted the form and pay for those in your party that are not scouts. Scouts include; Cub scouts registered with the pack, Boy Scouts that are Den Chiefs, Boy Scouts that are part of a Troop and will be helping with the crossover ceremony, and Adult leaders registered with a pack or Troop assisting with the ceremony.